# /var/www/html/slims/lib/SearchEngine/DefaultEngine.php:608^ "Engine ⚙️ : SLiMS\SearchEngine\DefaultEngine"
^ "SQL ⚒️"
^ array:2 [ "count" => "select count(distinct b.biblio_id) from biblio as b left join mst_publisher as mp on b.publisher_id=mp.publisher_id left join mst_place as mpl on b.publish_place_id=mpl.place_id where b.opac_hide=0 and (b.biblio_id in(select ba.biblio_id from biblio_author as ba left join mst_author as ma on ba.author_id=ma.author_id where ma.author_name like ?))" "query" => "select b.biblio_id, b.title, b.image, b.isbn_issn, b.publish_year, mp.publisher_name as `publisher`, mpl.place_name as `publish_place`, b.labels, b.input_date, b.edition, b.collation, b.series_title, b.call_number from biblio as b left join mst_publisher as mp on b.publisher_id=mp.publisher_id left join mst_place as mpl on b.publish_place_id=mpl.place_id where b.opac_hide=0 and (b.biblio_id in(select ba.biblio_id from biblio_author as ba left join mst_author as ma on ba.author_id=ma.author_id where ma.author_name like ?)) order by b.last_update desc limit 10 offset 0" ]
^ "Bind Value ⚒️"
^ array:1 [ 0 => "%Liu, Lerwen%" ]
\'fhis book is thefirstcomprehensive overview on the RttD ond business tFgtds in the Asio Pocific region. lnformotian provided in thii book witl inspire industry executives to dgvelop updoted strotegy for working especielly with the emerging powerful Asio Pocific economies in the fkld a{ nonotechnology which I believe is o key enobler for developing o sustoinoble society.\" Dr Junichi Sone Vice…