# /var/www/html/slims/lib/SearchEngine/DefaultEngine.php:608^ "Engine ⚙️ : SLiMS\SearchEngine\DefaultEngine"
^ "SQL ⚒️"
^ array:2 [ "count" => "select count(distinct b.biblio_id) from biblio as b left join mst_publisher as mp on b.publisher_id=mp.publisher_id left join mst_place as mpl on b.publish_place_id=mpl.place_id where b.opac_hide=0 and (b.biblio_id in(select ba.biblio_id from biblio_author as ba left join mst_author as ma on ba.author_id=ma.author_id where ma.author_name like ?))" "query" => "select b.biblio_id, b.title, b.image, b.isbn_issn, b.publish_year, mp.publisher_name as `publisher`, mpl.place_name as `publish_place`, b.labels, b.input_date, b.edition, b.collation, b.series_title, b.call_number from biblio as b left join mst_publisher as mp on b.publisher_id=mp.publisher_id left join mst_place as mpl on b.publish_place_id=mpl.place_id where b.opac_hide=0 and (b.biblio_id in(select ba.biblio_id from biblio_author as ba left join mst_author as ma on ba.author_id=ma.author_id where ma.author_name like ?)) order by b.last_update desc limit 10 offset 0" ]
^ "Bind Value ⚒️"
^ array:1 [ 0 => "%Charles%" ]
erkembangan teknologi bagaikan pisau bermata dua: manfaatnya nyata bagi kehidupan manusia, namun terdapat ancaman di baliknya. Ancamanancaman itu, yang berwujud hal-hal buruk semisal penyuapan, kecurangan, perusakan lingkungan, pengabaian desain yang tidak aman, kebohongan spesifikasi produk, pengungkapan rahasia perusahaan, kejujuran dalam riset, konflik kepentingan, telah merebak menjadi masa…
Designed specifically for process technicians, Process Technology Troubleshootrng provides a comprehensive and thorough overview of modern troubleshooting methods and models. Process Technology Troubleshooting encourages readers to master basic concepts before progressing to more advanced concepts for increased comprehension. The book covers troubleshooting models that apply concepts from advan…