Signal & Systems
Signals and Systems
Reoching the concepluol peoks of signols ond syslems con be o chollenge. But well-known oulhors Simon Hoykin ond Borry Von Veen help you cleorly see conneclions omong concepls ond rerognize the relevonce of signols ond syslems lo lhe brooder field of elecricol engineering. Fenlul,es New problems: The new edition includes opporlunities for demonslrotion ond proclice lhroughoul. New lhemed exomples: Six new lhemed exomples demonstrole lhe ronge of problems l0 whi(h signols ond syslems concepts con be opplied, including RC circuils, MEMS occeleromeler, rodor ronge meosuremenl, moving overoge syslem, multipolh communicolion chonnel, ond first order recursive discrele lime compulolion. Ihe outhors revisil lhese lhemed exomples using different molhemolicol lools lo show how eoch tool gives unique insight into the problem ot hond in the conlexl of o reol world problem. New coveroge throughoul: (onloins new sedions on MEMS ond derivolives of the unit-impulse funclion, fte [oslos rereiver for demodulolion of double sidebond-suppressed corrier-moduloted signols, ond the fundomentol nolion of feedbock ond \'why feedbock,\' os well os more deloiled lreolmenl of wovelels ond the stobility of nonlineor feedbock systems. A new seclion on noise hos olso been odded lo (hopler l. (hopter 4 now focuses exclusively on building bridges belween lhe four bosir Fourier represenlolions for opplicotions in which lhere is o mixing of signol closes. Mony opporlunilies for proclice: All exomples ore bosed on reol-world problems ond emphosize the correcl mothemoticol steps needed for opplying the theory. Problems vory from drill-bosed to complex, so you\'ll hove plenty of room lo proctice. lntegroled, flexible coveroge of MAT|AB: MATLAB lechniques ond uses, os well os MATLAB proclice problems, ore provided ol lhe end of eoch chopter.
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