SAP FI/CO : Questions & Answers
\' This upto-date \'quick reference guide\" is an easy, fast, and convenient way of leaming SAP FIICO (including SAP W3 4J0 Enterprise and SAP ERP(ECC) 5.0); it also covers ABAP and Basis on the technical side, and MM, SD, and PP on the functional side to provide a thorough understanding of the SAP , system. Separate sections on SAP Tables and SAP Transaction Codes guide you through the intricacies of the SAP modulgs, and the 100-page section of SAP Terminology provides an excellent reference for L mast€ring acronyms, codes, and de$nitiongof the multiple components of this popular software. Features i r Compatible with the latest versions of SAP V3 4.70 nnterprise and SAP ERP (ECC) 6.0 I Covers Financial Accounting and Controlling, ABAP, Basis, SD, MM, PP and SAP Project Management 1 I Includes 472 SAP Questionj 363 SAP Transaction Codes, 300 SAP Tables, and lO7 SAP illusrrations.and screenshots , I Question/Answer format allows for ease of reading and understanding without tedious technical passages, and includes comprehensive SAP Terminology section I CD-ROM provides additional thirdparttr templates and all figures in the book Brief Table of Contents (Selected Topics Only) \\ 1. SAP BASICS. 2. ABAP & Basis. l. Project Implemeft4tion. 4. Financial Aqcounting (FI). 5. Controlling (CO). 5. togistics. 7. Miscellaneous. 8. SAP Tables & Terminology. About ttre CD-ROM. Index.
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