Auto repair
Quaility Hand Soldering and Circuit Board Repair
This updated step-by-srep reference provides an accurate and state-of-the-art approach to the producion and repair ol elec[ronics equipmenr. Procedures, complete with tollow-up exercises, cover the basics of hand soldering, wiring, and me components of successful repairs ln addicion, a new section on Problem Edge Connec[ors has been included. Practical layour and readabilify makes rhis reference a musl for technicians, assembly-line personnel, technologists, OA and repair supervisors, and professionals designing electronic equipment for mass production. l-ook inside to see all these outstanding fuaturesr D Provides a comprehensive review of curren[ rechnologies for hand soldering students and prolessionals. tr lncludes coverage of Surlace Mount Technolory and a broad introduction to electronic communica[ion locusing on analog tr Actual equipment and measurement techniques are shown wherever possible. tr Covers a broad inlroduclion [o elecrronic communicalion, tocusing on analog. El Can be used as a \"srandards manual\" checklist in reviewing work. tr Objectives and reviews olfer an opportuniry to measure the reader\'s success in undersranding merhods and their ability ro practically apply the information provided.
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