Nonnegative Matrices, Positive Operators, and Applications
Nonnegolive motrices ond posifive operotors ore riidely opplied in science, engineering, ond technology. Ihis book provides fie bosic lheory ond severol flpkol modern science ond engineering opplicotions of nonnegolive motkes ond posilive operotors, induding the fundomentol theory, methods, numericol onolysis, ond opplicolions in the Google seorch engine, computolionol moleculor dynomia, ond wireles communicotions. Unique feotures of this book indude the combinotion of fie ttreoiles of nonnegolive motrices ond posilive operolors os well os lhe emphosis on opplicolions of nonnegotive mofiices in ttre numerkol onolysis of posilive operolon, such os Morkov operolors ond Frobenius-Penon operotors both of whkh ploy key roles in the $otisticol ond stochostic studies of dynomicol systems. It con be used os o textbook for on upper level undergroduote or beginning groduote course in odvonced motrix theory ond/or positive operotors os well os for on odvonced topics course in operotor theory or ergodk theory. ln oddilion, it serves os o good reference for reseorchels in molhemoticol sciences, physicol sciences, ond engineering.
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