Mechanics For Engineering Dynamic
, The first bool( published in the Beer alrr$ lnEtnst:on series, Mecftsnics for Engineers.\' \'\'\', D}rncrl:ies is a sqalar-basecl introductony dyr:arnics i.ext. lt provides first-rate treatment ,\'tof rigid bodies wiiheut vector mechanir\'\".This new edition provldes an extensive selectiaF qf new prcblerns and end-of-chaprer summaries.The text brings the careful pies\'ehfation of content, urnmatched level,, of accuracy, and attention to detail that ,, \"frgu* rnade fiecr and Johnston texts gh^ sf andard for excellence in engineering t,;m\'echanics education. Feciures A dew ieporatian of the mechanics cf pertirir:, frorn tire mechcnics of rigid bodies, thus moking if possible tlr considrr \'inrple proctica! appltr,otjr:ns iit on enrly stoge ond to postpone t\'1e intrcrruction of mare cJifftult concepts. ;ln ernphusis on free-f;i:dy-diagran equdl,(jir5, givi\';g r more intuitive and rnore complete understanding of the fundomentol 1>rinciys!*.:; rtf dynan\',cs . -Precisioq accurocy, onci mothernaJics ot on occessibr\'e i.:\"\'el for erigii\'ieering courses. ; \'A mcthernrlics review section that fielps students understcnd the bosics of the scotor msthemolics used in stotics nnd dynomics. . Sampie prctblems that help stadents wark tht*ugh thr salution of typico! engineering prablems ond prepore them {ar :he ossigned chapter homeworl prob/ems.
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