Fundamentals Of Thermodynamics
F-undamentals o.f\'Thermodynamics pre scnts a comprehcnsive and rigorotrs treatmcnt of classical thertlodynarnics wlrilc\' retaining an engineering perspective. It lavs thc groundr,rrrrrk for subsequent studies in such fields as fluid mechanics, hcat transfer, and statistical thernody.narnics, tl\'rus preparing the student to effectir,\'ellr.t.. thermodynamics in the practicc of engineering. ln this seventh edition, new corlcepts ancl ctcfinitions are presentclcl in a natural protr\'ession, in thc context u,here thcy x1a first relevant. Many real *\'orld examples have been included in the boolc to assist the sttrdent in gaining an understandine of tht\'rrnodynantics, and the problems at the end of each chairter have been carefuliy sequenced to corrclate with the subject nrattcr Key features of this book irrclude: o In-Text Concept questions included to allow students to reflect on the material just presented; o End-of-Chapter Engineering Applications which present motivating material with informative examples of how the particular chaptcr material is being used in engineering; o End-of-Chaptcr Surnnraries r,r\'hich pror.\'ide a short review of the main concepts covered in the chapter and inclnde a listir:rg of dre set of skills that the student shoulcl harr mastcred after studying the chapter; o Chapter on Powcr and ltefrigeration C,vcles is nou\'two chapters , one with cvcles involving a change of phase for the working substance and one chapter with gas cvcles; o Chapter w-ith Compressible Florv has been reintegrated into this crrr€nt edition; o CAIT3 softwarc is again off\'ered to the students with the registration code in the book.
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