Fundamentals Of Global Positioning System Receivers
The Second Edition of this occloimed publicotion enobles reoders to understond ond opply the complex operotion principles of globol positioning system (GPS) receivers. Although GPS receivers ore widely used in everydoy life to oid in positioning ond novigotion, this is the only text thot is devoted to complete coveroge of their operotion principles. The outhor, one of the foremost outhorities in the GPS field, presents the moteriol from o softwore receiver viewpoint, on opprooch thot helps reod\'ers better understond operotio-n ond thot reflects lhe forecosted integrotion of GpS receivers into such everydoy devices os cellulor telephones. Concentroting on civilion C/A code, the book provides the tools ond informotion needed to understond ond exploit oll ospects of receiver technology os well os relevont novigotion schemes:. o Overview of GPS bosics ond the constellotion of sotellites fiot comprise the GPS system . Detoiled exominotion of GPS signol structure, ocquisition, ond trocking . Step-by-step presentotion of the mothemoticol formulos for colculoting o user\'s position r Demonslrolion of the use of computer progroms to run key equolions o lnslructions for developing hordwore to collect digitized doto for o softwore GPS receiver o Complete chopter demonstroting o GPS receiver following o signol flow to determine o user\'s position The Second Edition of this highly occloimed text hos been greotly exponded, including three new chopters: r Acquisition of Weok Signols o Trocking of Weok Signols . GPS Receiver Reloted Subiects Following the outhor\'s expert guidonce ond eosy+ofollow style, engineers ond scientists leorn oll thot is needed lo understond, build, ond operote GPS receivers. The book\'s logicol flow from bosic concepts to opplicolions mokes il on excellent textbook for upperJevel undergroduote ond groduote students in electricol eng ineering, wireless communicotions, ond computer science.
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