Emerging Nanotechnology Power
\'fhis book is thefirstcomprehensive overview on the RttD ond business tFgtds in the Asio Pocific region. lnformotian provided in thii book witl inspire industry executives to dgvelop updoted strotegy for working especielly with the emerging powerful Asio Pocific economies in the fkld a{ nonotechnology which I believe is o key enobler for developing o sustoinoble society.\" Dr Junichi Sone Vice President of NEC Central Research taboratories and Senior Leader, Nanotechnology Strategy Creation Unit (CRDS), Japan Sdiepce and Technology Agency \"This is the most Ltp to dote ohd stute-of-the-ort outhoritotive book on thr current ond projected nonotechnology scene in thb Asio Pacific Rim, tt sheds tight not only on focus oreos but funding ond infmstructurot systems behind these,mosslye projects.\" {\' ; Dr James Gimzewski El€cttdfellow of the Royal Society, UK and Director of Core Lab of California NanoSystems lnstitute i usA \"This book is, in my opinion, the only reference written in English delfugring on impression obout the generol nonotg. chnology octivities in the Asiq Pocific. lhe content is o to m p reh e n s i v e ds to b o se io| gorr r, *t n to I stro te g i s ts, lndustres seeking internotionqI eolloboration portnerc ond for statisticions performing benchrfuikiig studi,es. It is o greot choll.enge tb collect all the informdtion togither ond this book is wort\' become the definitjye book for nonotechnologists drscussing Asion emerging nonotech nology power activi ties.\"
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