Electromagnetic Field Theory Fundamentals
curu and Hiziroilu have produced an accessible and user-friend ly text on electromagnetics that will appeal to both students and professors teachingthis course. This lively book includes manyworked examples and problems in every chapter, as well as chapter summaries and background revision material where ap pro p ri ate. Th e book i ntrod u ces u nde rgrad u ate students to the basic c0ncepts ofelectrostatic and magnetostatic flelds, before moving 0n to cOver M axwe I I\'s eq uations, p ropagatio n, trans m ission, and radiation. chapters on the Finite Element and Finite Difference methods, and a detailed Rppendix on the Smith chart are additional enhancements. Mathcad code for many examples in the book and a comprehensive solutions set are available at: www.cam bridge.orgtos2 1 B3o 1 68.
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