Teknik Mesin
Automotive Lubricants Reference Book
The automotive lubricants arena has undergone significant changes since the first edition of\\ this book was published in 1996. Environmentalconcerns have dominated both newspaper headlines and industry board rooms in recent years, with particular attention being given to the improvement of air quality Beduced emissions are directly related to changes in lubricant specifications and quality, and the second edition oflhe Autlnltive Lubricants Reference Bookreflects the urgency of these matters by including updated and expanded detail. This second edition also considers the recent phenomenon of increased consolidation wrthin the oil andpetroleum additive arenas, which has resulted in fewer people for research, development; and implementation, along with fewer competing companies 0f significant importance is the consideration that a more consolidated oil industry - in need of greater and longer-term returns on investments - may be less apt to respond to automobile manufacturers\' requirements for rapid specification changes fhe Aufonotive Lubricants Reference Bookaddresses these and many other important issues by providing a solid foundation to this important element of automotive engineering. Comprehensive and timely, this publication is an ideal reference for anyone involved in the automotive I ubricants i ndustry, Chapters include: o lntroduction and Fundamentals o Constituents of Modern Lubricants o Crankcase 0il Testing o Crankcase 0il 0uality Levels and Forrnulations . Practical Experlences with Lubricant Problems . Performance Levels, Classif ication, Specif ication, and Approval of Engrne [ubricants o 0ther Lubricants for Foad Vehicles r 0ther Specialized 0i\'[s of lnterest . Blending, Storage, Purchase, and Use o Safety, Health, and the Environment o The Future
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