Renewable Energy Focus Handbook
Thc Renewable Energy Focus Handbook is a one-stop source fbr engineers inroh\'ecl in rc\'neu-able cne rqv cnginccring. In dris csscntial reftrence, tlrc work of a numbcr clf the r.r,orld\'s leircling u\'riters in thc lielcl hrrvc bccn l-rxrught togcther to create an inclusivc volume for a rvidc audience of rencu\'lble eucl\'qv ctrginccrs. (lovcrrrge rilngcs fronr tl-re lxsics to more advanced topics in rencu,able energY engineering. All tl-rc kcv irreas lrr c\\\'crccl, fiorn thc l\'rackground of sustainable energy, to the conversion of cnergv through tcr storag;c technologr: It includes detailed chapters on the various alternative energv technologics including scllar porvcr, ticlirl powt:r, wind power, hydroporver, fuel cells, geothermal energr; and bioencrgr: Facts, figures and data from world-leading experts make this an invaluable readr-referencc fbr those invohred in the ficld of renewable energ\\/ engir-rcering. RELAIED TITLES Da R
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