Electricity 4 AC/DC Motors, Controls And Maintenance
0btain quick and easyaccessto information on DC and AC motors.varioustypes of manual, magnetic, and electronic controls, and the installation and maintenance functions of each. Updated lolhe 2008 National Electrical Code@ and featuring safety references to the most currenl 0SHA Safe Work policies, Electricity 4: AC/DC Motors, Controls, and Maintenance, qth Edition provides practical, hands-on information to getthe electrical system operating as well as the theory of \\\"why\\\" the system works to aid in troubleshooting. The Ninth Edition features materral on Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) and newer controls for servo and small motors. Current practices and equipment have also been added to the Maintenance section to better enable readers to troubleshoot motors and control problems. Features of this book . All material has been updated to bring the \\\"state-of-the-industry\\\" principles and practices to new and practicing electrical workers \\\' More control systems using programmable controls and the use of electronic controls have been added to the advancement of control systems \\\' Current and pasttechnologies are thoroughly examined to provide reference to older systems still in use and provide the necessary information to transition to newer systems \\\' Formulas and examples are explained step-by-step, and solutions are provided to reinforce processes and aid in application
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