Automotive Brake Systems
The newest edition ol foday\'s fechnician: Automotive Brake Syslems continues to provide outstanding coverage ol the theory and tepair procedures related to automotive brakes. Students, entry-level technicians, and experienced technicians alike will benefil from the two-volume approach: a Classroom Manual lo detail the theories and applicalion ol lhe tolal brake system, sub-system, and components, combined with a corresponding Shop Manual to provide real-world symptoms, diagnostics, and repair inlormalion about these systems. Automotive Brake Systems, 4E will help prepare readers for the ASE (Ab) certilication exam, as well, with an ASE Practice Exam in the Appendix, and content coverage ol all ASE and NATEF Standards lor Brakes. This Classroom/Shop Manual set ollers all the inlormation needed to undersland, diagnose, and repair most problems that could occur with today\'s brakes systems. . Job Sheets in the Shop Manual to guide readers through procedures covered in the chapter . Photo Sequences and step-by-step instructions in lhe Shop Manual for diagnostic and repair procedures . \"Cautions\" and \"Warnings\" throughout the Shop Manual to emphasize salety and the need to carelully lollow repair procedures . Gase Studies that provide examples ol the diagnostic strategies a technician uses to identily and solve a problem . ASE-style questions at the end ol each chapter in the Shop Manual, plus a sample ASE exam, to help prepare readers lor the certilication testing . Aulhor\'s Notes contained in the Classtoom Manual explain dillicult concepts in an easy-to-undersland and straightlorward,manner . An e.resourcerM c0ntaining ready-to-use PowerPoinlrM slides, a computerized testbank, an lmage Library, and othel helpful resources is available to minimize preparation time lor instructors
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