Digital Integrated Circuits
Analisys And Design Of Digital Integrated Circuits In Deep Submicron Technology
Thelhird Editi0n af Hodges and Jackson\'sCnaf\'€i6 and Oesidn at Digitat \'1:.te$rat*4 grcuits has been thoroughly revised and updated by new co-author Resve Saleh of the University al British Columbia. ftis new edition coffbines the approachability and concision of tha Hodges and Jackson classie with completely uFdeted fofitent, bringing the book {irmly into the twenty-first century. The ner!\'adition focuses on the latest CM0S technologies (.018pm, 0.13Um) and us€s standard deep submiercn models throughout the book. the material on memory has been expanded and updated, and the third edition also includes more on SPICE simulation. Additionally many new problems and examples have been added that reflect current technology and design practices. Features o Emphasis on advanced CMOS technologies o Updated and expanded logic and memory design coverage o Coverage of the increasingly important subject of deep submicron interconnect o New material on high speed design and optimization techniques o increased emphasis on SPICE simulation
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